Saturday, May 8, 2010

Picnic Day at Dry Lake Park

Yesterday was the last field trip of this school year for all of K-3 in Will's school. The kids rode the school bus while we parents followed. It was a couple of hours of fun, and for us parents a bit of a sad moment when reminiscing about their first day of school. Now this coming Monday will be their last. I'm feeling a little teary knowing how fast this year went by, and what is now my little William will not be so little anymore. As for Will, he will keep attending Second Baptist for his upcoming K-4 school year, but he sadly will lose some of his close friends which will be attending public schools. But shifting back to this day, I have to say we had a grand time!

The rest of our day was great also. We had our bi-weekly Friday movie night and Daddy made us watch Astro Boy. Soon after we headed out for dinner at Outback to celebrate Mother's Day since Daddy will have to work on Sunday. Sure enough, we had a ordinary busy day but in a good fun way.

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