Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Luke Ryan Hopper
Today was my 18Th week check up and it worked out that I was able to get my ultrasound too. We were all sitting in the waiting room and Adam took a poll, "boy or girl?" Everyone, including Adam, predicted a girl. I remember the tech calling my name and boy were we all excited, nervous, and our stomach full of butterflies. Our tech was really sweet to describe every body part and how perfectly it measured. The baby looks good and is growing right on track she said. I guess I knew that the moment of truth was soon approaching and recall her saying "It's a boy". Adam's face looked shocked and truthfully I was shocked as well. Three boys! wow! But it's great news. God has chosen to give us a third baby boy and we wouldn't have it any other way. We are thrilled to welcome Luke Ryan into our family. Can't wait!


Cacey said...

So excited for you guys!! And I absolutely LOVE the name you picked. Elijah is excited to have another nephew and Sophia will be in good company with one big brother and three boy cousins.

I will call you later so we can catch up!

Jan said...

Nana and Papa are so excited about little Luke! We love the name, and already love that little boy! Congratulations on your wonderful little addition. I can tell Nana & Papa will be going to lots of ball games!

Michael Nichols said...

Wow, neato. Congratulations :-) I'm looking forward to seeing y'all this summer.