Friday, July 9, 2010

24 Weeks

Six months and feeling ready to have this baby?/?. Well, of course not literally, but very close. I have to admit, I had been feeling great until these past 2 weeks, where I have been dragging and feeling moody! With both kids full of energy from sunrise to sunset, wonderful house chores, and Adam working 48 hours at a time, my legs and hips have been affected!

All in all, I'm excited about meeting baby Luke. I shop for him every chance I get and will begin preparing his room this coming week. I guess I should start by kicking Jack out of his room. Talk about bold and nerve wrecking, yes, that is Will and Jack sharing a room together. We have been thinking about it for a while now and I believe that the time has come:-).

As to decorating Luke's room, we will stay simple and classic. Although, I have been really into monogramming everything! I can't wait to post pictures of all our rearrangements. Meanwhile, I have a Doctors appointment in 2 weeks and a glucose screening. I pray and hope that everything is great and well with baby Luke!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Red White and Blueberries

This year we took the boys out for a picnic and the fireworks show. We were there for at least 3 hours waiting for it to get dark and for the concert to be over. We took cheeseburgers, grapes, and pudding and we surely enjoyed it!


& waiting...

Although the boys ended up getting to bed at 11, they had a fabulous time relaxing under the stars and watching the show.

I have to say, making this cake with boys was a lot of fun!!

Will decorated, while Jack would eat it.

What a great way to end our Celebration...
Eating CAKE!

God Bless America!