Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Easier the Second Time Around

Just wanted to post a few pics. We're starting to get settled into a little bit of a routine. That's good. It didn't take too long to get used to having the baby around. I gotta tell ya, this one's going so much easier than it did with Will. The adjustments that we're having to make, aren't so drastic this time. It also helps that we have an idea of what to expect with a new baby. I'll keep trying to add new posts every week, but they'll probably mostly be about Will. It seems like all of the pictures that we take of Jack, he's asleep. And there's not a whole lot to write about when all you've got are pictures of a sleeping baby.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Jack Has Arrived

On Thursday, June 5th, 2008 we welcomed our second son into our family. Jack Steven Hopper was born eight pounds, eight ounces. He has a head full of dark hair and blue eyes. I think his eyes will change to brown after a few months, but Maartje is hoping they stay blue. Maartje is doing fine, by the way. She went through the entire process with no pain killers of any kind. She came through like a real champ! Will was was very excited to meet his brand new brother. We've talked about Jack for so long with him, I don't know if he ever really expected him to arrive. Jack is just over a week old now, and doing fine. He lost a little of his birth weight, but he's already gained that back, and then some. We're hoping that the sleepness nights will end in a month or so. That may be wishful thinking. I start back to work tomorrow, so it's about to get a little more intense for Maartje. Thankfully her mother will be staying with us for the next week to help her out while I'm away.