Sunday, January 31, 2010

Terrible two's?

Jack turns 20 months on the 5Th and famous terrible two's has begun early:o. Yet, I find myself giving in to Jack more than I do with Will? Why is that? Why is it much harder to discipline Jack than it is Will? Could it be the way he says "i sowwy"(i'm sorry) or "uh-oh" when he's in trouble? or maybe how tiny he appears to me compared to his big brother Will? Well, one thing is for sure, Jack's got my softer side figured out and it is getting me in trouble with daddy:-]

he loves hats! This is one of his favorites

he is so patient...

He does everything brother tells him to do!

1 comment:

Jelly said...

Oh, I feel your "pain"! We are the same way with Grace. We force ourselves to discipline her, but when she's not looking we crack up laughing. We just cannot make ourselves get mad at her! Lord help us when Lily gets here. :-)