Monday, June 10, 2013

(Part 2)

So far 2013 has brought many firsts. Will's first time riding his bike without training wheels, Jack's first time playing t-ball, and our first trip to Disney World (that will come on a later post. Too many pictures ;)


Here's a video of Will riding his bicycle without training wheels

Our first indoor camping sleepover of the year

Silly Willies!

First fire of the year

Will the Star Student of the Week!

Jack's Western Day at school


 Sweet presents from my boys

My love and me on my 28th birthday

Blowing out the candles with mommy

My babies

"My spider senses are tingling..."
(Luke at 28 months)



 The boys loved decorating all the eggs

Luke loved the stickers

Nana and Papa with four of their six grandchildren

Our family 

Ready for eggs soldiers?! Yes sir!


 Playing at the playground after the egg hunt

Baseball Time!
This season flew by. Jack played T-Ball for the first time, and William played C-
Ball (Coach-pitch). 
They both had so much fun. Jack played first base and infield and got a kid out. That was so much fun to watch. 
Will got to play pitcher, first, second baseman, and outfield. He has improved so much and 
I cannot wait to watch him play next year.

Jack's first t-ball game...Go Tigers!!!

Tigers  #7

I don't have many pictures this season. A sweet mom friend from the team took great ones of Will, 
but they are all on Facebook.

Will playing pitcher

Padres #8


The boys were overdue for a professional photo shoot. April was the 
perfect month for it. A mom friend of mine from Jack's
school is a great photographer, and she did a great job. I love them!


Field Day

 Luke having some fun too!

Field Trip
 (The Museum of Arts and Sciences)

 The kids got to see exotic birds, snakes, and a cool ferret 

The Planetarium

 Sound Room

Lunch with his good friend Noah

Mother's Day 

 At Olive Garden for dinner

Jack's last day in K-4

Jack's end of year program.

Jack and Mrs. Myers
Jack did so well academically this year. He had so much fun with his friends
and already knows how to read. Way to go, Jack! We are so proud of you!

Will's Ice Cream Party!

William reciting his poem to the class and parents

Will's last day in First Grade

 Will and Ms. Hare

Will came home with many awards this year. He got all A's and passed on a high reading level. He also got this the last week of school. 
We are so proud of him!

Celebrating the end of the school year with a sprinkler party!

Memorial Day

Here's to the beginning of Summer! Can't wait to post pictures of our Disney Vacation!

1 comment:

Cacey said...

The anticipation is killing me! We want Disney pictures. haha. Love you guys.