Sunday, January 1, 2012

Best Memories of 2011

Here's our 2011 year in review: Needless to say, we've had a wonderful year! It was an eventful year and full of firsts and achievements! Luke reached all of his baby milestones, William played T-ball and got straight A's on his first report card, and Jack began K-3 and is doing great in school, too. It's really exciting to welcome another brand new year! I know that me and Adam look forward to another year with our sweet little boys! :)

 Luke at 3 months old could lift his head up. The boys also loved the winter frost in Georgia.

Luke began to roll on his tummy and he was really good at it!
I also celebrated my 26th birthday. 

Will started T-ball practice. Super exciting for Will and Adam!
Luke also cut his first tooth, and we celebrated our 6th year Anniversary!

We took the boys to the Georgia Aquarium. Luke really liked looking at the fish. Luke, also had his first Easter, and Jack potty trained. YAY! 

Mother's Day at the fire station. Adam and the boys really made it fun for me. Luke started to sit up and had his first taste of mashed sweet potatoes. We took the boys strawberry picking, and William played his first t-ball game. It was Awesome!

Jack turns three! My little boy isn't so little anymore :(
We also have our big family reunion, Father's day, and our trip to Charleston! Super Fun!

We took the kids to Splash in the Boro. It was their first time ever visiting a water park. It was so much fun! We also celebrated the 4th of July at the fire station with Adam!

First day of school! My little Jack started K-3.
William also had his first soccer game, and we took the boys to their first Warner Robins Little League game. They won the SEC game!

Luke starts to cruise everywhere!

Luke's turns one and loved his cupcake! :) Aunt Angie got married, the boys dressed up as Clone Troopers and Yoda for their first Halloween, and had a blast at the Georgia Fair!

Adam turned 32 and we go to our first Georgia/New Mexico game together. Luke gets his first haircut and ends up looking the same! HA HA!(I just couldn't do the "big boy" haircut ) We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family, and Luke enjoyed his first turkey meal! yummy :)

My SWEET William turned SIX!!! Where did time go?!?!
Luke had the cutest baby dedication. We began a new family tradition, The Elf of the Shelf. We don't do anything mischievous with our elf, we just basically like the thrill of finding him each morning.
The boys had their Christmas program from school. Jack sang the entire time and William was part of the play, they were so Cute! We took the boys to Callaway Gardens, Fantasy in Lights. It  rained most of the time, but the trip was so much FUN!

 December 2011: New Year's Eve!
We spent the evening in Byron, with mom and dad. We had a wonderful time, laughing, talking, playing with the boys, and eating! As you can see, we had a busy year, but we LOVE it this way! We have so much fun as a family. We hope that all of our friends and family have a blessed 2012!
Happy New Year!

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