Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday William!

It's hard for me to believe that Will is six years old today. I remember William only a few months old, and waking up each and every morning, with a big smile on his face. Although it's been six years since then, William hasn't changed at all. He still wakes up each morning with the same warm, and sweet smile that I remember of back then. It's like his mornings are new and full of joy everyday no matter how he felt the previous day. I know that he makes our mornings feel very special. Today he got up really early and we could just tell how excited he was. I made pancakes the night before (because our school mornings are very hectic) and it made our morning a little easier. He loved the candle on his pancake. He loved celebrating his birthday all day long!  

The table cover and plates were 3-D and Jack loved wearing the glasses. ;)

Clone Troopers!

Sweet faces!

Will requested cheeseburgers for dinner(sorry, not shown). So Adam cooked cheeseburgers on his grill. They were so good!

 Clone Troopers are everywhere!

Jack loves his beanbag and his brother's blaster.

Will LOVES his soldier costume! Thank you Nana and Papa!

My sweet and happy Luke!


A Batman blaster...

from Aunt Amy. Thank-you!

The sweetest card ever...

from his brother Jack!

brotherly love

helping brother open presents... Will wanted him to! So sweet~!

every boy can use more tools...

from Aunt Angie and Uncle Dale. Thank you!

want to join the dark side???

A Darth Vader mask from us...


The coolest gift this Star Wars fan has been begging for the longest time, an X-Wing and Tie-fighter!

love him!

He plays soldier almost everyday. Now he has a costume to go with it ; )

He he.  Do you think he'll be embarrassed of this picture 12 years from now?

We always leave the best for last!
 Will thought his birthday cake was so awesome!

Happy Birthday Bubba! Mommy and Daddy love you bunches!!!

1 comment:

Cacey said...

How fun! I know another little boy who would have loved that party!