Saturday, December 17, 2011

'Deck the Halls'

I have wanted to post pictures of our wonderful time putting up our Christmas tree, but it always feels like I'm running short on time. Well, I decided that 1:30 in the morning is the best time to catch up. I guess I'm viewing it as my only opportunity to write before another hectic day goes by, and I find myself feeling extremely disappointed for not keeping you up to date. I am not a morning person, and The 'Early to bed, Early to rise' doesn't really apply to me. What can I say, I'm a night owl, I'm a much happier person at night than at morning. So here I go. :)

Thanksgiving evening, after getting home from an amazing day with family, Adam and the boys brought down our Christmas tree from the attic. Adam had to work the following day, but he had made a promise to Will and Jack to set up the tree before he left. Adam always keeps his promises and there aren't many exceptions to break them. The boys were thrilled staying up late that night. The joy of watching their little faces light up as our Christmas tree lit up, made it totally worth the 10 o'clock bedtime!

This picture looks out of focus, but I think it's beautiful. :)
2 days later,

We had our first winter fire. The Christmas music and hot coca couldn't be left out from this perfect night!
Luke was elated to help out too, and I am elated that all of our ornaments are made out of plastic and  construction paper!

These two Santa's helpers were so sweet and productive.

It's OK every once in a while to take a hot cocoa break. BTW,
Luke did also get a milk break too!

Just sharing a secret about Jack, he LOVES Christmas!! ;)

FYI, Adam and I did help! I just wanted to throw it out there, just in case you were wondering where we were. 

This is the finished look. Wish I hadn't cut off the top of our tree! It's got a pretty bow on it. ;)
Can't wait to post all about the Christmas Program at school!

1 comment:

Cacey said...

Very nice! I'm a night owl too, or would be, if I wasn't so tired all the time!