Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Happy 9 months baby!

Luke Ryan is 9 months old today. It's hard for me to believe that my youngest son will turn one in three months. Where did time go?!

(a birthday present from mommy and daddy)
It is a walker. I think he will be running down our hallway with this thing very soon :)

Remember that a couple of post back I posted a video showing Luke taking steps to crawling? Well,  he has become so good at it that he considers crawling his favorite sport ;) He can crawl pretty fast too and can pull himself up to his feet on just about everything he finds! (he makes me laugh out loud every time he does :). At nine months he can wave hello and goodbye, he can clap and he can shake his head in response to "no"( does that mean we say the word "no" too much around here?) ha ha. Anyway, he melts my heart everyday. Our family is complete. Yes. Complete! I'm thankful to God everyday for an amazing little guy. Happy Birthday, boo boo! Mommy loves you!

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