Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Luke (Part II)

Today Luke is seven months, one week and four days old to be exact. He's such a ham and loves to smile as you can tell. He makes such cute expressions that simply makes us chuckle uncontrollably...

scroll down and you'll see!

cute huh?

Now that he is seven months old he can...

-say Dada as soon as he sees daddy-

-rolls over nonstop!-

-sits unassisted all the time-

-reaches out for anything & everything that is in front of him-

-is ready to crawl-

-tries to pull himself up in his crib-
-eats everything given to him-

Luke is always this happy. He makes my heart sing every time I look at him. He's such an easy going little man. He rarely ever complains (without a reasonable cause of course. Teething is one of them!) He's got two new top ones coming in and it hasn't been fun, for both of us!

Will and Jack are so good to him. They always share their left over train tracks with Luke. They never want Luke to feel left out when they decide to play trains. Ever since Luke became a member of our family, both boys have shown an unbelievable amount of care and protection towards their little brother.

Just this past Saturday Will had his last T-ball game of the season. Nana and Papa invited all of us over to their house for our first swim of the year. The water was just too cold for me. Adam and the boys(except for Luke) were a lot more brave. They all got in the pool and had a fun time!(I will post pictures of them, soon.)

Luke is cute ready for summer!


Cacey said...

Oh my goodness Maartje, he is such a cutie!! Is it just me or does he have more hair than the older boys did at that age? So jealous by the way, his hair puts Sophia's to shame. I can't wait for the two of them to meet this summer, they will have so much fun together. See you in FOUR WEEKS!

Jan said...

Precious pictures of our little Luke! He is such a happy baby. Tuesday was such a wonderful day. Loved having lunch with ya'll and playing with my sweet boys. Looking forward to our next big day!
Thank you Maartje for all the pictures.
Love, Nana