Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Luke!

Luke is 4 months today and he is growing big, and strong. We weighed him a few days ago and our scale shockingly read 20 lbs! Just Crazy! I do not know when and how he got this big this fast, but lately, he has been eating what seems like every hour! I'm still nursing and it looks like I'll be hitting my goal of 6 months, at the least. He seems always hungry at this point and I'm hoping that he will slow down at some point!( I need a break!) He loves rattles, teether's and fingers to nibble on. He loves to put everything in his mouth and I'm left wondering if it has anything to do with any teeth coming in. I haven't seen any yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I did soon. He is truly a happy little guy. He loves to laugh, smile, giggle when tickled, babble like crazy, and to stare. We think that he will be the talker in our family. He especially always seems to want to talk to Will and Adam. The bond between them is truly amazing!

If your are wondering what we have been doing lately, let me fill you in briefly. These past several days have not only felt horribly busy, but we have all been horribly sick. We have come down with a cold/flu and it has hit us hard and for too long now. We have been trying to recover quickly and our daily ritual has been all about relaxing. Watching movies, reading books and eating soup is in our to do list. Poor Luke was sick on his birthday and I may have to take him to the doctor tomorrow. He sounds congested and a little wheezy. I'm hoping that the headaches, runny noses, nausea and coughing has run it's course! I want it back to normal around here. I have yet to post pictures of my 26Th birthday and pictures of Will and Jack. I will post soon, so keep checking in for it. (:

my handsome baby boy, Happy Birthday!


Cacey said...

Oh my goodness his hair puts Sophia to shame, she barely has enough fuzz to clip a little bow onto and he looks like he needs a haircut! So cute, Happy four months Luke!

I can't wait to meet him this summer!

Jan said...

Adorable! And this is how I describe him,too. He is always smiling and laughing. Happy birthday to our special Luke.

Jan said...

Adorable! And this is how I describe him,too. He is always smiling and laughing. Happy birthday to our special Luke.

Angie said...

Love that Baby Luke! He is so precious! I can't wait to see the post about your birthday I know it will have great pictures too!