Wednesday, September 8, 2010

33 Weeks

Hello everyone (-:
Yes, I have reached the beginning of my eighth month. Yay! How exciting! I still can't believe how quickly I got here. At this point, I can't sleep at night, I move much slower than I want to, and I run out of breath constantly. I had a recent ultrasound or may I say, an unexpected ultrasound. Apparently, my belly is measuring 2 inches bigger than it should. I know right, what a "Shocker" (I always appear bigger than normal). But at this point, any excuse to get an ultrasound is perfectly fine with me. I love watching baby Luke on the screen and according to my nurse, everything seems to look great. I guess I just have a huge tummy after all.
*how precious*
Luke Ryan
Sweet Baby weights 4 1/2 lbs (Come on... Big Baby!). He also seems to want to be a Soccer player, just like his Big brother Will.

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