Friday, March 26, 2010

Our Mini Adventure...

Again, it's been a while since I last posted, but better late than never. So, since finding out about another kiddo on the way I have been extremely fatigued, nauseous, moody and just about all the symptoms that I better not mention. This goes on all day and I cannot wait to be myself again. Last week we headed to Tennessee for a short 3 days to celebrate our Anniversary and also made it a family vacation.

Pigeon Forge was our destination and we made it safely to our cabin, which was at the top of a mountain, with a phenomenal view. As soon as we got there, the kids were wired and loved our cabin. We had a bit of trouble with Jack wanting to run down the 2 flights of stairs, but over all, we had a lot of fun just in our cabin. The kids loved the Air Hockey table and played with it every morning. While there, we decided to hike one of the smoky mountains with a paved trail and visit the Dixie Stampede.

This was taken from the balcony of our cabin.

It was cool the day we arrived and the day after, but that did not keep us from relaxing on our balcony.

Guess who took this picture?

Family shot by a fountain on the Gatlinburg strip.

One of the perfect views on this nature walk.

They couldn't wait to climb over the wood fence.

One of the many fireplaces we got to see on our walk.

One of my new favorite pictures of the boys.

Adam created a mountain cave for the boys. How he loves to pretend he's a mountain lion.

Jack loves this type of playing. It must be a boy thing!

Saying goodbye from our Star Struck Cabin.

I would have loved to post pictures of the Dixie Stampede show. The only one I was able to take is not a good one. For some reason cameras aren't allowed during the show. I will always remember how much the boys loved the entire show. How much they enjoyed our trip to the mountains.

1 comment:

Jelly said...

Looks like y'all had so much fun! And the views were beautiful... I'm so jealous!