Monday, March 28, 2011

Luke's First Word!

I am so happy that Luke said his first word, dada. We think it's great just how soon he is beginning to talk. He makes us smile from ear to ear every time we hear him say it. He always seems to say it when Adam is around , but we know that he's just making noise at this point. Here's a video of just moments after saying his first word!


Jan said...

PRECIOUS! I love it! Sure have been missing ya'll. Need to see those babies.

Cacey said...

Oh my goodness that is SO CUTE! Elijah and I were laughing so hard watching him. He and Sophia are going to have so much fun talking together this summer!

Jelly said...

Oh the cuteness! He is just so darn cute - especially when he's talking!

Angie said...

He is so cute! I can't believe he is already talking!