Sunday, March 13, 2011

We're still here...

Today my sweet and happy baby turns 5 moths old and he's got his 1st tooth coming in! (tried taking a picture of it but I couldn't get a good one). So that explains all the drooling!Poor baby has itchy, itchy gums and everything he sees he wants to nibble it. He's on a nice routine but I feel like he needs a nice schedule just so that I can get more housework done around here. My chunky monkey is still eating every 2 to 3 hours, takes 3 naps a day, loves floor time and reading time. I always find myself always saying this, but he is such a happy and smiley little person. I just can't get over of how cute he is. I know it seems like I just stop by monthly to talk about my boys and I feel bad that I have been slacking. I don't know how, but time just flies! So I have to warn you, it is kind of a long post(:

He can sit up! No J/K. I was able to take a quick picture of him without me holding him.
He loves to sit up.
Will torturing his baby brother with a T-ball helmet. Ha-ha, We love Luke's expression!

Look @ how much hair my baby already has!

Something else going on around here is baseball. Everyone knows that baseball season has begun and in a house full of boys, this is a big topic at our dinner table every night. Adam has been dreaming of this moment ever since before we ever thought of having kids. Will now five can now play T-ball for Upward and so this is big around here. I remember when Will was just a baby, having conversations about this very moment. We can't believe that Will is old enough to understand the rules of baseball. Adam is also looking forward to taking Will to his first Braves game ever. He wanted to wait until Will was old enough to sit through a game and old enough to remember it. I know just how important it is to Adam. Starting this coming Tuesday Will has T-ball practice every week. We recently took him shopping for cleats and a helmet. We are so happy and excited for him. Little brother Jack loves to practice too. I know he will want to play alongside big brother:/

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