Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sick Boys

This morning was a challenging morning for me. Although Adam might tell you that every morning seems to be challenging for me. Partly because I'm just not a morning person (and he's right), but this very morning just topped them all. As I was going through my morning ritual I started singing to myself, "Blessed Be Your Name". Maybe the title of the song might sound familiar to you. It is a song by Matt Redman, and boy did it come at the right time. I believe that God was trying to remind me to bless him, regardless of how my morning was starting. Our boys have had a terrible couple of days, and I'm just trying to keep myself and everyone together. Last Friday Will started with a low-grade fever and appeared to be in a lot of pain. He would complain of his left ear hurting every chance he'd get. So on Monday, I rushed hin to his doctor who confirmed our suspicions, and diagnosed him with two ear infections, one in each ear. Will has never had an ear infection before and two at the same time just sounds awfully painful. He was put on Amoxicillin right away and now the medicine is really upsetting his stomach. We'll have to wait and see if the symptoms subside or if we're looking into a different antibiotic. As for Jack, my poor baby started with a high fever of 103 on Monday night and yes, that's the same day that I had taken Will to the doctor. So yesterday I return to their pediatrician, who gave me the terrifying news that Jack has pneumonia. I almost fell of my chair and could not believe how fast this was all going downhill. Jack was also given Amoxicillin and going back to see his doctor tomorrow. We hope and pray that things will go up from here. As for the kids, they seem to be doing fine coloring, drawing, using their imagination, and drinking chicken noodle soup. So, as the song says "Every blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise. When the darkness closes in, Lord. Still I will say, Blessed be your name".


Jelly said...

Oh my goodness! I will be praying for you and the boys. I know it's hard, but you can do it. Try to rest as much as you can so you don't get sick too!

BTW, I just love the names y'all picked out, and can't wait to find out what you're having!

Cacey said...

Awww, feel better boys! And hang in there, Maartje! I'm with Julie, try not to get sick yourself. Elijah and I have been dealing with some allergies and stuff and that has been difficult enough.