Friday, April 23, 2010

Baby #3

A couple of weeks ago, I received my first ultrasound and our new baby kept wiggling anxiously. The baby was 4.6 centimeters long and growing right along. Adam and I can barely wait to know what the gender is, and we have come up with several names, Luke and Madison are at the top our lists. We are not set on them, and we rather enjoy laughing at all the peculiar names that seem to exist. Rest assured, that we will not be naming our next son or daughter a quirky name and you can thank me for that:-]. I am finally coming to an end with the nausea and fatigue, although at times, these symptoms seem to creep in again. I have begun my second trimester and as we all know, it all seems to rush from here. By the way, October 25th is my due date.

Boy or Girl?

(baby at 11 weeks )

1 comment:

Cacey said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I hope that you continue to feel better as your pregnancy progresses. I love both names, especially Luke! Although, I wouldn't mind a little girl neice to grow up with Sophia. So my vote is GIRL all the way!