Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy 14 months Luke!

Luke at 14 months!

He can...
walk really fast
climb anything that looks dangerous
imitate any facial expressions
point to mommy, daddy and brothers
tell you where his nose, hair, mouth, hands, feet and tummy are
find a ball if you ask him to
say mama, Dada, " day day"(thank you), "caw" (car), "ba"(ball), "by"(bye), "peas"(please)
smack his lips when he wants a kiss
play peek-a-boo
blow raspberries on your stomach and laugh hysterically while he's doing so
blow kisses
wave hello and bye
make car sounds when playing with brothers hot wheels
He loves...
yogurt,blueberries and peas
music and to dance
playing with his brothers
 reading books
to smile
bath time
pretending to talk on the phone
cars and trains
to give hugs
Luke has become a very curious and determined toddler in blink of an eye. He's beginning to climb on just about everything. Just the other day we found him standing on Jack's toddler bed. He was attempting to jump off just like a superhero! I almost fell over imagining what would of happened if in that second I hadn't been around to catch him! Silly kid...haha!

A little over a week ago, Luke was dedicated to the Lord. Our church had one of the sweetest dedications that I have ever seen. Will and Jack were also dedicated as babies, and nothing was ever quite this big. They offered finger foods and refreshments, had a wonderful slide show, and decorated with this beautiful center piece(pictured below). I was able to keep the cute snowflake ornaments that had Luke's picture on them.

It was a very sweet and special day for me and Adam. We have been blessed with three amazing little boys and we couldn't be any happier! We prayed for all of the sweet babies in that room that day. We prayed for Luke's salvation, and for the guidance of our Father in Heaven as we bring up our precious child in the ways of the Lord!