Monday, October 10, 2011

Week in Review...

So I know that I'm a little late but I think by now you must be used to it! Ha ha! 

Angie and Dale got married on October 1st at a small white church in Byron,Ga. Can you believe it's already been one week since then?! 
It was so sweet to see Angie and Dale so happy and in so love. The wedding was short and sweet. Everything was really beautifully decorated too. The boys also enjoyed the wedding cake and groom cake.  yum!

The Beautiful Bride with her Beautiful Mom.

Sweet and Beautiful sisters.

A toast to love.

The bride and her sweet nephews

It was very special to be part of this very much anticipated day. We are so very happy for Angie and Dale Lancaster!

The night of the wedding William started having stomach cramps, and felt so tired that he even skipped dinner(not at all like Will!). Later in the evening William was the sickest I've ever seen him. Just to put it this way, it was not pretty. We had to move his bed to the living room just to keep him close to our bedroom. I slept on our couch for 2 days just to keep him close to me. He says he had fun relaxing, writing on his bible activity book, reading books and watching TV all day long. Ha!
The cramps and vomiting only lasted a 24 hour period. So far, everyone has stayed healthy.Well, everyone but Luke. He's been having diarreah for quite some time now. Thankfully staying a few days on a strict diet of only carbs, oatmeal and yogurt has helped him improve. On Wednedsday we will take him to a GI pediatrician. His pediatrician did many stool cultures but found nothing. I'm hoping that everything will turn out fine and nothing to be too concerned about.

Being stuck in the house for 5 days isn't the definition of sanity for me. So friday afternoon we packed up the kids and headed to a corn maze that's really close our house. The boys had so much fun. They ate peach ice cream, walked through the corn maze and enjoyed the hayrack ride.

This trip was so relaxing and peaceful. We can't wait to go pumpkin picking next!

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