Saturday, June 4, 2011

More on Spring 2011

OK, so basically today is the day before Jack's third birthday. The day of his birthday party! Which means I will blogging about his party a lot in the next day or two.

Ha-ha, if you know me, I always take my time with posts.

I have been meaning to post pictures of Will's end of the school year program and the end of T-ball season. But I have been so sleep deprived and tired with Luke nursing around the clock that I swear, my nights feel worse than those first few months all put together! Honestly, it's been really tempting trading blogger for naps. J/K. But today (I know that I picked the busiest day ever) I want to post about him because I want to share several good pictures of my Big Boy:)

(Sorry, if it this post looks a little rushed.)

This was at the end of the year picnic. The little boy in the center of the photo (Gabe) was one of Will's best of friends.

Will safely swinging his little brother & Luke is not happy with the idea.

Will's K-4 class had a pizza party too. Yummy!

Jack also enjoyed it too!

Later that evening Will and his class sang the Veggie Tales classic, "His Cheeseburger" song. So, so Cute!

Brotherly Love!

Mrs. Joyner (Will loves her so, he will definitely miss her!)

This was the only picture I took of Will at his last game. He hit the ball so hard that it hit the fence...woo-hoo! Go Will! We enjoyed watching him play and I know that he can't wait to play again next year :)

It was a fun school year but it's hard to believe that my little boy will begin Kindergarten next year. I know that I will miss seeing him this small.

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