Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy 3 months, Luke!

I can't believe that Luke has turned 3 months. Surely I knew this day would come, but when you have two other boys, everything is played in fast forward. Although he is still so tiny(I may just have to eat my words later) I can already tell that he is the type to let everything roll of his shoulder. He is a charmer, patient, and the most loving and thoughtful baby there is.

Will and Jack adore their little brother. They are wonderful helpers and show so much compassion when their little brother is upset. They surround him with lots of baby talk, hugs and kisses. To say the least, I am so proud of all my boys.

Because our days feel so short and dividing our time with all three boys is a juggling process, we make sure to spend time with Luke as if he was our first. Taking as many pictures and recording as many moments together is a definite must. So far he's hit a couple of milestones. He turns to us when called and recognizes each of us. He does seem to smile extra big for his daddy. Adam doesn't have to say a word and Luke is all smiles.

He is drooling like crazy at this point but I have not seen or felt any teeth's, yet. He's cooing, kicking and trying to reach for a few toys. He has found his hands and absolutely loves to suck his thumb.

His next well baby check-up is in April (@ 6 months old). He will be due for shots, so we are in no hurry to visit. He is now wearing 6 month old outfits, but as you can see, this chunky monkey is getting closer to fitting into 9 month old ones. He is all rolls just like his big brother Will was as a baby.

He found his thumb. He's only done it a couple of times.

He just recently reached out for his giraffe.

He still loves to sleep. He only wakes up twice to feed at night. He still sleeps in our bedroom and quite honestly, I enjoy him being near me at night(-:

I love his chunky thighs!

Loving the Bumbo he got for Christmas. He feels all grown up in it!


Cacey said...

I can't believe he is the same size as his "big" cousin Sophia! He's absolutely adorable and I can't wait to meet him this summer! I know he and Sophia will be buddies!

Angie said...

These are precious pictures of Luke! He has such a great smile!