Friday, July 11, 2008

Wrong Again...

Hey, remember that last post I made a couple of weeks ago? You know, the one where I said that going through the infant stage is so much easier the second time around? Yeah, just forget everything that I said on that subject. May have spoken a bit too soon. This new baby (along with some help from Will) seems to be taking up every bit of our time. I didn't know what busy was until we had our second child. I guess that's part of the reason I haven't had an opportunity to post on this site as often as I would have liked. It seems like it's always feeding time, or bath time, or change the diaper time, or put the kids to bed time, or play time. Times two. Then I have to go to work for 24 hours, and Maartje's workload doubles again. I don't want it to sound like I'm complaining, I love being "Daddy", I'm just trying to provide a good excuse as to why I haven't updated the journal in a couple of weeks. And just so you know, I'm posting a few pictures here to prove that we still have some fun once in a while.

The pictures above are from Jack's first bath. He hated it that first time. Cried and screamed a whole bunch. But he actually enjoys it now. The picture below is of Will trying to put on his PJs all by himself. His favorite thing to do is act silly, and see if he get's a laugh out of Maartje and I. And of course he usually does, which only encourages him to clown around even more.



Jan said...

Dad and I are looking at your blog and thinking how very sweet your two little boys are. We love them to pieces. Thanks for the update. Love all of you,

Jelly said...

Kids have a way of making a liar out of you. :)

Jack is BEAUTIFUL!! Tell Maartje I said hi!! We can't wait to get the kiddos together for a visit!
