Luke is eighteen months old and he can do a lot!
He can, run, kick a ball and throw one, self feed, read books to himself, talk (much of it is baby talk), attempt to put on his shoes, climb, tell us no(his favorite), play hide-n-seek, look out the windows, dance, play with hot wheel cars, and make fire truck and train sounds. He enjoys listening to music (specifically SCC), eating (he loves everything I give him still), playing with his older brothers, meeting with new friends, pointing to things, watching the Backyardigans, smiling, and giving hugs and kisses. :)
Here he is getting ready to slide...
He loves to slide!
One or two more times...pleeease!
Reading books while I change him.
Brothers rain boots and ready to go outside!
Oh yeah, the typical toddler tantrums have started!
Playing so sweetly in his room.
Want to play hide-n-seek?
All of our boys love their animal friends. Luke already started a collection of his own too!