Wednesday, April 18, 2012

All Toddler!

Luke is eighteen months old and he can do a lot! 

 He can, run, kick a ball and throw one, self feed, read books to himself, talk (much of it is baby talk), attempt to put on his shoes, climb, tell us no(his favorite), play hide-n-seek, look out the windows, dance, play with hot wheel cars, and make fire truck and train sounds. He enjoys listening to music (specifically SCC), eating (he loves everything I give him still), playing with his older brothers, meeting with new friends, pointing to things, watching the Backyardigans, smiling, and giving hugs and kisses.   :)

Here he is getting ready to slide...
 He loves to slide!

 One or two more times...pleeease!

Reading books while I change him. 

Brothers rain boots and ready to go outside! 

Oh yeah, the typical toddler tantrums have started! 

Playing so sweetly in his room.

Want to play hide-n-seek?

All of our boys love their animal friends. Luke already started a collection of his own too! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Easter!

I know I'm a little behind on Easter pictures. So before I forget to post them, here they are!

Getting ready to dye our eggs!

 Luke had so much fun! He loved dipping his little fingers in the dye cup. :)

want some?

more, more and more eggs. 

 Adam had to work on Easter Sunday so we decided to celebrate Easter a day early. Surprisingly, no one seemed to complain about it... except for me of course!

Goodies and candy

 Picture time guys!

We dressed the kids early and headed outside for a mini photo shoot.

They were in such good spirits. It was pretty easy taking these pictures!

Cheese... or tummy...

 Later that afternoon we did our little egg hunt in our yard... of 50 + eggs :D

 It took a while to find all the eggs but Luke loved every minute of it!

check out his basket... ain't he good?!

It was really sweet watching Will and Jack helping each other find eggs. We have really sweet and kindhearted little boys. 

Jack taking a break... I wonder what he found?

After a long egg hunt we came inside to for our big Easter dinner. I did spend a couple of hours in the kitchen but it was so good! 

 The next day me and the kiddies got up early and went to church.

After church we celebrated and did a little egg hunt at Nana's and Papa's house too! 

 The boys were so ready and happy to find eggs again.

Luke had fun just walking around their big yard. 

Will with his sweet Aunt Angie and funny Uncle Dale (and baby Zachary too, you just can't see him...yet!) 

Cool Aunt Amy and Luke opening the eggs. 

The sweetest and most loving grandparents!

Three very happy little boys eating a bunch of Easter candy!