Today, Luke is 16 months and 2 weeks old. I have been really busy lately, and as you can tell I'm behind on blogging. I wanted to take a minute to write about the little person that takes up most of my day :) Yes, his name is Luke and do I need to mention that he's into everything lately?! He is all toddler now and there's ton of curiosity, adventure, mischievousness and FUN in our world. Luke can communicate very well now, too. He can point to everything that you ask him to point to, and he makes sure to tell you what he wants(even when he's not so happy about it, scary!)He's also a very good eater and is weighing at 26 1/2 pounds and measuring 33 inches tall. He's basically in the 90th percentile for both weight and height. He's no picky eater and enjoys everything I make for him. He's a very sweet, and loving little guy. I can't tell you enough, how blessed and delighted we are to have him. This new stage in his little life is wonderful!
His favorite words are:
ca ca (car)
da da(dog)
bu bu (bird)
at (cat)
du (duck)
ba ba (ball)
bees (please)
day day (thank you)
up (cup)
ma (more)
ba (book)
chee (cheese)
... he's in the process of learning more words to add to his list ;)
Luke got his third haircut earlier this month. Finally a big boy haircut!
It's almost time for another one!
Say cheese...
(he loves holding my phone)
He loves it when big brother Will reads him to him.
Playing and listening to his favorite song on my phone :)
Do Everything by Steven Curtis Chapman.
For the first time, Luke got to make Valentine's cards with his brothers.
Luke wore these glasses most of the day. He loves making us laugh!
I love you, Lukey! Happy 16 months!