Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A little of everything...

So I hope you got the meaning of this post title. You will see pictures as far back as my birthday. Remember on my last post I mentioned of how we were all severely sick? Well, since then all of the resting and soups for dinner seem to have worked. So much that just the other day I mentioned to the boys that we were having soup for dinner...again. And Will said, "No, not again!". Yes, now my favorite meal is the most hated dinner around here. All thanks to the longest lasting flu symptoms that we have ever had. But getting back to where I left off, we decided to take Luke to the doctor and he seems to have healthy lungs but he did have an ear infection. Poor Luke, that explains why he never wanted me to lay him down. He's almost at the end of the ten days left of the antibiotic and he's tummy has taken a hit, but overall, he looks so much better. Today we visited Nana's to celebrate Aunt Amy's birthday. We love Aunt Amy and we were so happy to be a part of this special day with her. Happy Birthday, Aunt Amy!

Luke's first Nursery Rhyme book.

February 3rd. I spent a lovely day with the most special people in my life! They gave me beautiful flowers, a stainless steel watch, a couple more of my favorite cozy socks, a starbucks gift card, a pearl pendant for my pandora and a jelly watch. We also had a great dinner at Olive Garden with my amazing family.


My Luke is sweeter than this cake.

We made cookies. Then Valentine Cards for daddy and the women that they love. Yes of course, their grandmas and Aunts(:

Luke's first time playing with toys that were once big brothers Will & Jack.

Will enjoys loving and hugging his

baby brother & while he is doing so,
little brother Jack sneaks in Luke's bedroom with big brother's Leap frog! Ha-ha

Luke is always this happy when he is on his tummy.

He is taking his time but still trying to roll over.
No pressure, Luke (:

He's got the chuckles!

The boys were looking forward to tonight

and really enjoyed the time spent with their Aunt.

My little guy. Very soon he will turn three. Hoping to have him potty trained before I send him to K-3 a few days a week.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Luke!

Luke is 4 months today and he is growing big, and strong. We weighed him a few days ago and our scale shockingly read 20 lbs! Just Crazy! I do not know when and how he got this big this fast, but lately, he has been eating what seems like every hour! I'm still nursing and it looks like I'll be hitting my goal of 6 months, at the least. He seems always hungry at this point and I'm hoping that he will slow down at some point!( I need a break!) He loves rattles, teether's and fingers to nibble on. He loves to put everything in his mouth and I'm left wondering if it has anything to do with any teeth coming in. I haven't seen any yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I did soon. He is truly a happy little guy. He loves to laugh, smile, giggle when tickled, babble like crazy, and to stare. We think that he will be the talker in our family. He especially always seems to want to talk to Will and Adam. The bond between them is truly amazing!

If your are wondering what we have been doing lately, let me fill you in briefly. These past several days have not only felt horribly busy, but we have all been horribly sick. We have come down with a cold/flu and it has hit us hard and for too long now. We have been trying to recover quickly and our daily ritual has been all about relaxing. Watching movies, reading books and eating soup is in our to do list. Poor Luke was sick on his birthday and I may have to take him to the doctor tomorrow. He sounds congested and a little wheezy. I'm hoping that the headaches, runny noses, nausea and coughing has run it's course! I want it back to normal around here. I have yet to post pictures of my 26Th birthday and pictures of Will and Jack. I will post soon, so keep checking in for it. (:

my handsome baby boy, Happy Birthday!