Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Soccer Mom

For the past 9 weeks we have had soccer practice and soccer games. Sadly, this past Monday was the next to last game and I've got news for anyone who wasn't there to witness it. William scored a Goal!! Yes, my little William scored a goal and I wish I had video of that moment. Thanks to me, my memory card reached it's max, right before he scored! If you ask him, he would be glad to tell you how it happened every time. Of course, we are so very proud of him, but we have been proud long before he even new what Soccer was. He makes me smile every time I watch him play. He seems so grown in pictures, yet in my eyes still so small. Oh, how do I make him stay this little and innocent? I wish I could sometimes... )-:

Will's last game is this coming Saturday. Afterwards, they will have a big pizza party and Trophy Awards. Will is really looking forward to it. I have to admit, that every soccer practice was torturing HOT on me, but I would do it all over again tomorrow, just to see him smiling waiting for Monday to come around. I guess I have proudly become a Soccer mom after all! I have been blessed with two beautiful, intelligent boys and one more on the way just makes me feel overjoyed and excited. Adam and I look forward to taking on this army of boys and having tons of fun along the way!

#1 Fans

Very proud grandparents have not missed a game! We Love You!

By the way, I'm now 36 weeks pregnant and happy that baby is already positioned for delivery. I received my last ultrasound and he seems to be doing great. Weighing at about 6 1/2 lbs, this picture truly shows off his adorable cheeks, lips and nose!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

33 Weeks

Hello everyone (-:
Yes, I have reached the beginning of my eighth month. Yay! How exciting! I still can't believe how quickly I got here. At this point, I can't sleep at night, I move much slower than I want to, and I run out of breath constantly. I had a recent ultrasound or may I say, an unexpected ultrasound. Apparently, my belly is measuring 2 inches bigger than it should. I know right, what a "Shocker" (I always appear bigger than normal). But at this point, any excuse to get an ultrasound is perfectly fine with me. I love watching baby Luke on the screen and according to my nurse, everything seems to look great. I guess I just have a huge tummy after all.
*how precious*
Luke Ryan
Sweet Baby weights 4 1/2 lbs (Come on... Big Baby!). He also seems to want to be a Soccer player, just like his Big brother Will.