Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Luke Ryan Hopper
Today was my 18Th week check up and it worked out that I was able to get my ultrasound too. We were all sitting in the waiting room and Adam took a poll, "boy or girl?" Everyone, including Adam, predicted a girl. I remember the tech calling my name and boy were we all excited, nervous, and our stomach full of butterflies. Our tech was really sweet to describe every body part and how perfectly it measured. The baby looks good and is growing right on track she said. I guess I knew that the moment of truth was soon approaching and recall her saying "It's a boy". Adam's face looked shocked and truthfully I was shocked as well. Three boys! wow! But it's great news. God has chosen to give us a third baby boy and we wouldn't have it any other way. We are thrilled to welcome Luke Ryan into our family. Can't wait!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fun In The Sun...

Friday afternoon we headed back t0 Aunt Amy's pool. Thankfully, the predicted rain (though more like a bad storm) came down later that evening. Although we had a few clouds, our time there was perfect. We had the beautiful sun still beaming down on us and Nana was very sweet to bring another picnic with her. Adam grilled delicious hamburgers while Aunt Angie and Aunt Amy taught the boys how to swim. The boys LOVE swimming and their FEAR of jumping in a pool (of course with daddy catching them), has been easily blocked by all the fun they have had. I have to say, Aunt Amy's place is quickly becoming our new favorite place to hang out.

grilling is our favorite!

Two happy Aunts with their two (or may I say, one) happy nephew:) Jack doesn't like the sun in his eyes...

Testing out the water and it did not take them long before...

dipping themselves right in!

Jumping into daddy's arms

Swimming Piggyback!

Their favorite swimming coaches

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Baby at 17 Weeks

On Tuesday I head back to my doctor and she will schedule the BIG appointment (our ultrasound). Yes, that's the moment we have been anxiously anticipating. Praying that our baby is growing healthy and strong regardless of it's gender. Still can't help but wonder, am I carrying another Will and Jack? What do you think? Everyone, Boy or Girl?

Our little Angel is now the size of an onion...yet my belly looks much bigger!

On another note, the boys are doing great! We decided to visit Aunt Amy's pool on Tuesday for some swimming and a picnic. The boys had a ton of fun. From Jack wanting to swim on his own to Will going under water. Although he realized he won't be trying it again anytime soon:-]. No pictures thanks to my sharp memory, but we are planning on going back on Friday (if no rain) and will be definitely taking pictures then.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

little hands poem

Will brought this sweet poem home to me a couple of days ago. My eyes fill up with tears every time I read it and remember how not so long ago he was just a baby.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Picnic Day at Dry Lake Park

Yesterday was the last field trip of this school year for all of K-3 in Will's school. The kids rode the school bus while we parents followed. It was a couple of hours of fun, and for us parents a bit of a sad moment when reminiscing about their first day of school. Now this coming Monday will be their last. I'm feeling a little teary knowing how fast this year went by, and what is now my little William will not be so little anymore. As for Will, he will keep attending Second Baptist for his upcoming K-4 school year, but he sadly will lose some of his close friends which will be attending public schools. But shifting back to this day, I have to say we had a grand time!

The rest of our day was great also. We had our bi-weekly Friday movie night and Daddy made us watch Astro Boy. Soon after we headed out for dinner at Outback to celebrate Mother's Day since Daddy will have to work on Sunday. Sure enough, we had a ordinary busy day but in a good fun way.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Feeling Better

As you can see the boys are doing much better. Jack returned to his pediatrician and poor baby had quite an episode on our drive there. Fever, vomiting, and diarrhea were involved. This of course made us over an hour late to his appointment and extremely worried for him. Thankfully all of this was on its way out. His doctor took blood, and reassured us his blood count was good. We instantly felt great relief and remembered how wonderful God is. Over the weekend Jack broke his fever that lasted four straight days and instantly looked better. That meant that all the prayers and the help of the antibiotic were working for good! Jack's and Will's stomach are still very sensitive, but by Wednesday both boys go off the antibiotic, and their tummies back to normal. Thank you for your prayers and concern. We hope this week is not as fretful as our last.

By the way, Jack absolutely loves to draw and can hold a pen pretty well. What you're seeing him do here, he would do all day long if allowed!